How to Start an Eco-friendly and Holistic Lifestyle

An eco-friendly and holistic lifestyle is a way of living, being more conscious of how we live our day-to-day life in harmony with ourselves and our beautiful planet.

eco-friendly and holistic living walking in nature

A few years ago, I felt the desire to make changes in my life. I realized how over the years, we were losing the beautiful essence of our inner being submerged in day-to-day where stress and fast-paced were the norm. This is how our journey started.

Starting an Eco-friendly Lifestyle

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I started making some changes at home, making my own essentials and personal products like all-purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, body butter, lip balm, and face scrub. I realized how easy it was to make these products from natural ingredients and how I could adapt them to our own needs.

Then I wanted to reduce the amount of plastic we use at home, so I started looking into including more eco-friendly products in our daily lives. I realized these were great products with the advantage that they would not stay hundreds of years on earth.

We also challenged ourselves to demonstrate that we can grow food on our balcony in containers, and we did it!!! This is a great experience; the joy of nurturing a plant and seeing our food growing from seed reminds us how wonderful mother nature is. I love gardening! it relaxes my senses and gets me in contact with nature.

So many changes that I couldn’t believe we could do living in an apartment in a big city. My family started to get involved; my husband started making homemade kombucha and growing microgreens. We were so excited and eager to keep learning and trying new things. I knew then that we were embarking on an exciting journey to benefit us and the planet.

Starting a Holistic Lifestyle

One day, reflecting on how our life was going through this journey of an eco-friendly lifestyle, I remembered a famous phrase from Albert Einstein “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” This made me realize how doing things differently has already positively impacted our lives, so what if we also look at our personal well-being? What can we do differently so we can have a more balanced life?

This is how we started a holistic lifestyle (body, mind, and soul) in our daily routine. We began to walk more outside, spend more time in nature, eat healthier, introduce positive thinking, and focus our attention on what we wanted and desired instead of what we didn’t like. We discovered the fantastic world of herbalism and alternative healing therapies like meditation, yoga, and reiki as more natural approaches to our well-being.

We didn’t know the impact this would bring us until now when we started to see how these new habits and tools have helped us to start a more harmonious, balanced path in connection with our being.

Connecting from the inside out will help us to see life differently. The magic is within us; we are the authors of our own stories.

It’s been an exciting journey connecting with our body, mind, and soul living in harmony with our beautiful planet.

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