With our busy lives, sometimes we don’t realize the beauty we have around us. If you look around, you will find Inspiration from Nature in your surroundings: flowers, trees, birds singing, sounds of water falling, windy days feeling the cool or warm air on your face, and more. Even if you live in a city, there is always a gift from Mother Nature to you.

Why Inspired by Nature? Let me share with you some of the beauty of our planet that I have found through my camera lens.


The calm sound of the waves. A bird passed by, telling us to slow down. Feeling that peace of the infinite from the ocean. Salty air fills our lungs, and our senses open to our surroundings.

The majestic sound of the falls is impressive yet full of energy that transfers and fills our inner you. There is an estimated 85,000 cu ft per second annual flow, but we feel just the delicate mist falling on our faces.

After the rain falls, the air feels cleaner. Trees and plants are thankful for the rain; as part of nature, they need water to grow and offer their fruits and flowers.


I love bees! They are our heroes. Bees are our master pollinators; without them, we would have no food.

From air to earth! From a beautiful and delicate dragonfly to a calm snail.

New species for me to discover, but not so new to our planet. It’s called blue jellyfish. Don’t touch them; they sting.


I love them all! Their color, beauty, and fragrance.

Yes, Mother Earth is my inspiration. As its name says, “Mother Earth” is a good mother, she takes care of us, giving us air, food, water, sun, and everything in between. We find medicine through her, grow our food and build our houses thanks to her.

I’m thankful for living on this beautiful planet. I have seen the miracle of mother nature even in my own home with our urban garden. Seeing the time each fruit and vegetable takes to grow from seeds is priceless, even if they are in a container.

Growing some of my food created an appreciation and respect for each vegetable and fruit on our plate. All these thanks to Mother Earth’s generosity.

Let’s take care of Mother Earth the same way she takes care of us. I hope this gets you inspired!