How to make a homemade All-purpose cleaner

This homemade all-purpose cleaner leaves our surfaces fresh and clean. It’s easy to make with only three ingredients.

homemade all-purpose cleaner

I like to make our cleaning products at home because I can use more eco-friendly ingredients, which is good for the planet and us.

The first DIY home essential I made was my DIY citrus vinegar cleaner which works great in my kitchen because it contains vinegar. Vinegar cleans my kitchen grease easily, but I didn’t want to use vinegar for my bathroom counters. After trying different ingredients from different recipes, I ended up with this one, which I really like.

Why do I like this homemade all-purpose cleaner?

What I like about this homemade all-purpose cleaner is that the ingredients are eco-friendly, the scent is soft, is super easy to make, and cleans well. Sounds familiar? Yes, this is what I’m looking for in all my cleaning products.

Do I need to use a glass spray bottle for this homemade all-purpose cleaner?

I like to use glass containers for my cleaning products for the following; they are eco-friendly and It’s been recommended to use glass containers if we are using essential oil.

What do I need to make this all-purpose cleaner?

homemade all-purpose cleaner on a table

*I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. See our disclosure policy for more detail.



How do I make this homemade all-purpose cleaner?

Add one cup of filtered or distilled water to a container

Include the castile soap.

add essential oil and pour in a glass container

Add the essential oil (this is optional)

Pour the mix into a glass spray bottle

How do I use this cleaner?

cleaning the bathroom with the spray
  1. Spray the mix all over the counter.
  2. With a damp soft sponge go over the surface. This will help to take away any hard dirt that may be on the counter.
  3. With a damp Swedish cloth clean all the soap from the counter.

Useful tips

  1. If you are using castile soap that already contains an aroma, you may not need to add any extra essential oil, because it can get overwhelming.
  2. I like to use lavender essential oil, but there are different essential oils that work great as well.
  3. With natural products we try to avoid any preservatives, with that, it is better to prepare small quantities and use them the same day if possible. It is so easy to make that just takes two minutes to prepare.
  4. Always try it in a small area first.
homemade all-purpose cleaner

I have been using homemade cleaners for a while, and I like that I can personalize them to my own needs and bring fewer chemicals into the house. I hope you like this homemade all-purpose cleaner. You may also like “Homemade shower scrub cleaner.”

homemade all-purpose cleaner on a table

Homemade All-purpose Cleaner

Yield: 1 bottle
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

This homemade all-purpose cleaner leaves our surfaces fresh and clean. It's easy to make with only three ingredients.


  • 1 cup of distilled or filtered Water
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid Castile Soap
  • 3 drops of Lavender Essential oil (optional)


  • Measuring cup and spoons
  • Glass spray bottle


  1. Add one cup of filtered or distilled water to a container.
  2. Add the castile soap
  3. Add the essential oil (this is optional).
  4. Pour the mix into a glass spray bottle.


  1. I love how you have so many amazing healthy (no chemical) cleaning recipes on this website. Right up my wheelhouse! With age, I’m discovering my body is much more sensitive to all the toxins in store-bought cleaners so I have definitely had to be picky! Thanks for making it easy.

  2. I love that this DIY cleaner doesn’t use vinegar. So easy to make! Thank you so much for sharing, I’m excited to make some and try it out.

  3. I love easy diy cleaners. Lavender is such a great smell and really makes this cleaner so fun to use. Thanks for making cleaning just a tad easier and fun.

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