Positive Thinking

We have begun incorporating Positive thinking into our daily life. You can’t imagine how many things we can create with this beautiful tool!

How often do you get stuck in thoughts of things that worry you? This is something I had come happening all the time until I started practicing positive thinking.

Transforming our thoughts positively creates a new picture in our lives. We start changing our focus on what we want to achieve.

We realize the creative power that we have. What we think, we believe; what we believe, we create; what we create we live, and what we live, we feel in our physical and energetic bodies.

How do I practice positive thinking?

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  • Mindfulness is a way we cultivate positive thinking. Sometimes we get thoughts from past experiences, which may bring unwanted feelings. When we remember those experiences are in the past and are not happening right now, we focus on the present, which changes my focus on what I’m doing now.
  • Expecting good things to happen. Another technique that has worked for me is expecting something positive to happen. Let’s say we are going to work, and because of bad weather, we expect a tremendous amount of traffic which will make me late just the day I needed to be on time because I have an important meeting. This sounds familiar? Yes, we already create all the movies in our heads, getting stressed even before they happen. A lot of time, these thoughts aren’t even close to reality. What do I do? I bring myself to the present time, and I start to think about what I want to see or happen, in this case, not traffic, being on time, and having a successful meeting.
  • Problem-solving. When we see our experiences as good experiences or to be learning experiences, our thought transforms the situation. Now that we see that there are no bad experiences, it creates a new point of view for each situation we go through. This way, we focus on the solutions instead of the circumstances.
  • Be around positivity. Read good news, listen to good music, read positive affirmations, to mention a few. As we feed our bodies with healthy food, we also feed our minds with positive thinking.
  • Fact-based. We often form an idea of any specific situation without asking others for their point of view, realizing after that there was a reason for that situation. Looking at the facts about what is happening in any situation before coming up with any conclusion helps us to create a positive attitude, find better solutions, and avoid unnecessary reactions and misunderstandings.
  • Gratefulness. Being thankful for what we have instead of what we don’t have, let us focus on the positive things and enjoy.

These are only a few things we can start practicing daily to cultivate positive thinking. Introducing changes in our lives is a journey, be patient with yourselves and others and enjoy the road.

Positive thinking and Meditation in Nature are a few tools and practices we have introduced to bring a more balanced life.


  1. Helpful tips! I love the whole part about being around positivity. That’s a game changer for sure! Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I love this! I use many of these techniques daily, and they really work. A lot of people are going to be helped by this 🙂

  3. Love these positive thinking tips! Being around positive people definitely helps me too! And I love “expecting good things to happen!” It’s faith! Love it! Thank you

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