Meditation in Nature

Meditation in nature, such as forest, beaches, and parks, allow us to immerse ourselves in a state of calm and inner peace by connecting with the healing elements of mother nature.

Walking in nature is one of my favorite things to do at the end of a workday. After a busy day, my mind, body, and soul get exhausted from all the deadlines and activities involved.

We have a park with many trees nearby, where we walk almost daily. As soon as we start walking barefoot on the soft green grass with tall trees surrounding us, hearing the birds sing their beautiful melody, I see how my heartbeat begins to slow down, and my mind starts to calm. It is like magic!

On weekends we love to explore the city and find new parks and trails to enjoy.

Different ways we practice Meditation in Nature

Meditation while walking in Nature: This is one that I practice the most! As soon as I start walking in nature, I feel how my mind and body relax as I see the butterflies flying by, new flowers that popped up with bright colors, a dog playing in the grass, and fish dancing in the water from a stream nearby.

Meditation with mantras: One thing that has helped us to calm our minds is mantras, which are words, phrases, or sounds we chant repeatedly. The vibration of the sound resonates and brings calmness.

Guided Meditation: These are meditations guided by somebody else, and we can save or download them on our cell phones to listen to them while walking. There are so many; you can choose the one that suits your needs or preference.

In Nature Meditation: I love to meditate in nature, sitting on the grass or under a tree and looking at the sunset while receiving the wonderful energy the sun brings us. Looking into a beautiful flower and getting immersed in the natural world, opening our senses of smelling, seeing, hearing, and touching, feeling the unity with this beautiful planet.

What about if I don’t have a park nearby?

If you don’t have a park nearby, you can create a relaxing ambiance at home. Look for a quiet place to sit comfortably for a few minutes. You can add essential oils to a diffuser or light incense and add soothing music. I do have an easy-to-make recipe for a homemade reed diffuser.

Conscious Breathing and Meditation

An essential component of meditation for me is conscious breathing. Deep breathing helps us to relax and be more present. Our focus and mind go to the air getting in and out of our lungs.

How does meditation has helped us?

We introduce this practice into our daily routine while looking for new ways to be more present, calm our busy days, and connect with our being.

Setting an intention in our morning meditation helps us visualize how we want to see our day. Having a calming mind helps us focus more on creating the things we want.

It has been a great experience as It has brought harmony and balance in our lives to live in the present moment.

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