Beautiful holiday table decor with natural materials

These beautiful eco-friendly and inexpensive holiday table decor ideas with natural materials will brighten your table this holiday season.

Beautiful holiday table decor with natural materials

I love Christmas; this is my mom’s favorite time of the year, my daughter’s, and mine’s too. There is something about the Christmas tree lights that makes me relax. Sitting on my sofa with a cup of tea at night and looking at the lights when everyone is sleeping brings a sense of tranquility and peace.

But this also brings all the rush attached to the season. This year I decided to enjoy every moment, from making my own decorations with my daughter to cooking our traditional dining dishes. I want to create an intentional Christmas where I use as many eco-friendly materials while enjoying the process of making my home cozy for this holiday season.

In this post, I would like to share beautiful holiday table decor ideas that you can do by reusing things you already have at home, natural materials, or inexpensive buying.

We love to add some pretty things to the table to make it memorable for this occasion. You can accomplish this with a bit of creativity without stress.

1. Centerpiece with cranberries.

decorating with cranberries

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Cranberries are in season; we buy them to make cranberries sauce for the holidays. Their bright red color makes it perfect for decorating our dining table.


Setting with cranberries centerpiece and red napkins

Centerpiece: Use a salad plate as a base and add pine branches, pinecones, cinnamon sticks, and some cranberries to decorate the base. Fill a small glass with cranberries and add a flameless candle on top.

Table Setting: I reuse a set of placemats I have had for many years. I add a salad plate on top of the dining plate and place the dinner cutlery on each side of the plate.

I made these beautiful napkin rings with paper tubes.

Napkin folding: I took the napkin from the center and slid it into the napkin ring. I flat the bottom and open the top like a flower. I add a dry flower in the middle to mimic a real flower bud as the last touch.

2. Certerpice with a natural plant

decorating with  Poinsettia  centerpiece and red napkins

Nothing says more Christmas than this iconic and beautiful plant. I bought this small Poinsettia at the supermarket, and it was inexpensive. Because we are using this plant as a centerpiece, we would like a small plant so we can see each other while dining.


  • Flower in a pot
  • Plant pot (optional)
  • Dry orange slices
  • Pine branches
  • Plate
  • Cranberries

Centerpiece: I reuse a plant pot that I have from a flower present I got for my birthday. Put the plant in the plant pot, and place the plant pot on top of a salad plate. Add pine branches, dry orange slices, and cranberry to the base.

Napkin folding: I folded three corners into the center, leaving the one that had the snowflake unfolded.

Roll the corners inwards.

Slide the napkin into the napkin ring and decorate it with a small pine branch.

Table Setting: I made these no-sew placemats for Thanksgiving and am reusing them for my Christmas table. I have a post that guides you on how to make these placemats made with burlap. I add a salad plate on top of the dining plate and place the dinner cutlery on each side.

3. Centerpiece with dry orange slices

centerpiece with oranges

If you are looking for something different than the red and green decorations, this is the design for you.


  • Orange
  • Dry orange slices
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Plate
  • Pine branches
  • Flameless candle
table setting with oranges and beige napkins

Centerpiece: Use a salad plate as a base and add dry orange slices, pinecones, and cinnamon sticks to decorate the base.

I had a small orange that fit inside a small glass, placed some small pine branches on top of the orange, and a flameless candle on top.

Napkin folding: In this case, I only folded two corners inwards, flipped the napkin to the other side, and placed it on the plate.

Table Setting: I add a salad plate on top of the dining plate. I tie the cutlery with jute and add an orange slice and a small pine branch for decoration. The cutlery was placed on top of the napkin.

Useful Tips

  1. I like to use natural-made aromatherapy candles at home, but I prefer flameless candles to decorate. It is safe to use with kids running around and not need to worry about cleaning afterward. They last for a really long time and I can always buy batteries to continue reusing them.
  2. The pine cones can be found on the ground in my neighborhood, but this is optional. See what kind of tree you have around your home that can be used to decorate your table.
  3. I got some pine branches that I found on the sidewalk while I was walking, which I used for decoration.

As someone said, “the most important things in life aren’t things” enjoy every moment and create a beautiful memory.

beautiful holiday table decor with natural materials

I hope you like this beautiful Holiday Table decor with Natural Materials. You may also like “Flower bases with paper tubes.”


  1. Ada, I just love all the red you have! It’s so festive and so lovely that so much of it is natural like the Poinsettia and the cranberries. And open flames make me nervous when they could be easily knocked over, so flame-less candles seem like a great option some of the time. Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. Oh I never thought of doing dried oranges for a table setting. We have them hanging from our windows and dehydrated in jars. What a great idea.

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